Ranking Queue Rules

General Information

The current ScoreSaber ranking queue can be found hereopen in new window.

  • The top 6 maps in the ranking queue can be qualified with sufficient votes from the ranking team.

  • If your map is in the top 6 of the ranking queue and you receive a mod from a Ranking Team member you will have 3 days to respond to the mod, and another 4 days after that to make the necessary changes to the map.

    • If you do not respond or are unable to make the changes in the set time span then your map will be taken out of queue.


This process is done to both encourage mappers to respond in a timely manner to comments, as well as streamline maps through the queue without a fear of reuploading.

What is Modding?

Modding is a term borrowed from osu!. It is the process of reviewing and providing feedback for a map (for rankability or just general improvement) via editor and in-game analysis.

See this guideopen in new window to get started with modding. â €

Queuing Process at a Glance

From the point of creating the map through ranking it, here is the process you need to follow:

  1. Read and follow to the best of your ability the ranking criteria rules and guidelines.
  2. Use Kival Evan's map checkeropen in new window to check for common errors in your map.
  3. Once you are satisfied with the map, get it modded to find mistakes. Even if you cannot get a mod by a member of the Ranking Team, any mod can help your map towards rank.
  4. Have a Ranking Team member mod your map, and make any changes deemed unrankable by the modder. Once they deem the map rankable, they will submit it to the request-feed.
  5. Stay alert to updates on your map by checking for comments in the rank request. This can be done by going to the Rank Requests Pageopen in new window and finding your map.
  6. Mention any response you have to comments on your map in via Direct Message and look to make changes quickly as if you respond to the comment within 3 days, and make the changes within 4 days, you will maintain your spot in queue.

For a more in-depth guide on how to rank your first map please read: How do I get my map ranked?

How do Ranking Team votes work?

  • If a Ranking Team member downvotes your map, the map will not be eligible for rank until the issues are resolved. Issues will be stated in the comments of the rank request, and any response to those comments should be made via Direct Message.
  • The team member who downvoted the map should also contact you, if they do not feel free to request it.
  • Once the changes are made, the map will become eligible for rank again with 3 votes qualifying the map. â €

How do QAT votes work?

QAT Upvotes will increase your position in queue, and QAT Downvotes will decrease your position in queue. QAT Downvotes will be accompanied with a comment explaining the reasons for the downvote.

  • In order for your map to be eligible for qualification, you must respond to, but not necessarily accept or implement, any comments associated with downvotes by QAT members.
  • If you wish to update your map in response to QAT comments or to make other map changes, you will retain queue position if you make changes within a 4 day period.

General Queue Rules

  • Queue limit of 4 maps per mapper*
    • difficulties with multiple mappers count towards the limit for each mapper.
    • Downmaps, difficulties not going for rank, and lighting do not count towards this limit.

If you currently have more than 4 maps in queue you will have to wait till you have less than 4 to get anymore maps queued


Additional difficulties at or above the highest difficulty in the initial ranking request cannot be added to the request beyond two weeks from the initial request date without resetting to the bottom of the queue

The current Technical Limitation Criteria can be found here